Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fanfiction as a motivator

There is research relevant to digital literacies and fan fiction—that is, how multiliteracies provide young adults with motivation to find and embrace confident voices or identities.  The research also investigates ways that young adult readers and writers treat fan fiction as an affinity space where they can feel safe and understood.  It furthers enhances the exploration of how the phenomenon of fan fiction connects digital literacy with traditional literacy formats to motivate a community of confident young adult readers and writers.  Fanfiction followers would respectfully demand a renegotiation of what constitutes thought and practice when considering young adult literacy skills. 


  1. Nice response, Yolonda! And this fulfills your blogging requirement. Just post now for fun :)

  2. This is pretty much the angle that I took with my response. Do you have any specific links to research that links digital (and traditional) literacy to fan fiction? I think it could definitely be a useful pedagogical tool.

  3. It is an interesting way to think about creating writers...teachers bang thier heads against the wall seeking sources of invention and motivation, and here is one that might not be mainstream, but definitely seems effective.

  4. creating wiriter has a lot of inpiration to create a story.
