Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blogs and Online Presence

This article highlights several reasons why online publication is becoming an increasingly popular method of distributing writing. Though its focus is more on ezines than literary magazines, many of the principles remain relevant. A point they made that I found interesting was that regularly updated blogs for public viewing can act as a promotional tool for other work. It made me wonder whether, as part of Din's future publicity endeavors, a running blog were to remain open in which updates and other information on Din and its affiliates could be made available to everybody. I realize there's already this blog, but it's more of a sounding board than anything else, and I suspect that the professors will start a new one for next semester. But for this Din blog it would have to be the same one every semester to maintain continuity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that magazines are really starting to shift focus from print to digital, especially since the rise of tablets (iPads! ahem). More and more publications are starting to offer digital subscriptions and (iPad) tablet applications. There are also more and more start up publications that only offer digital subscriptions. I feel like DIN should definitely lean in this direction.
