Monday, February 13, 2012

The readings this week made me think about how technology has impacted my life, and whether or not that is a good thing or a bad thing. 

I might be old fashioned, but it never dawned on me that things like a calendar or calculator should be changed or modified as we transitioned into a more technology dominated culture. Thinking about a calendar that automatically updates with the current week on top freaks me out. Why? Maybe it's because I hesitate at the thought of change, but I tend to consider myself technically savvy. 

The Bolter article made me think about how print is going digital, and I kept thinking about my family trying to convince me to buy a Kindle. Both of my parents, my brothers, my husband, and numerous aunts and uncles have all switched over to digital e-readers, claiming they are convenient and do the same thing as a book. I disagree. I've played with the Kindle, and I hate it. I hate that books are going digital. I can't scribble notes in the margins, or stick post-its in random places. I can't flip through the book to find the spot I'm looking for. Sure, I can do all of these in digital format, but I don't think it is the same. There is something tangible and authentic about holding a physical book in your hand, feeling the weight of the pages between your fingers, and seeing the wear and tear you create as you read. Digital e-books cannot deliver that. 

This is not to say that I am against e-readers. I think they are a fantastic option for many people. I understand that they offer a portability that normal books don't have. But, I will continue to buy and enjoy real books. 


  1. I totally feel you, Dana! I resist digital books too. I love a "real" book!
    I also really like you thinking through ways technology offers us change and how we have the opportunity to embrace this or resist.

  2. I agree-- I like the tangible act of reading a book, and then getting to stick it on my bookshelf (or toss it in the to-donate pile). I would miss sorting my books this way in a digital format, I like the finite space of books, bookshelves, and libraries.

  3. I prefer digital reference books: phone directory, recipes, dictionaries. I would much rather have "real" novels. I read Wuthering Heights on my Kindle app this summer. The good part: I could read it on either my laptop or iPhone. I was able to read while stuck in a Phoenix Greyhound station for several hours. The bad part: it was hard to read in bed. I guess the kindles themselves don't light up the same way as an iPhone, but they are expensive. The app is free to download on one's computer or iPhone, and there are also a bunch of free books available.
