Monday, January 30, 2012

An Albums Artwork and the National Storytelling Network

  Initially, as I thought about an alternate storytelling I instantly thought about Tumblr. I thought of Tumblr for the reason that texts, images, videos, quotes and links take part of someone’s story. Not only can you find out a lot about that person through the serious of post they have but also you can find out a lot more by what they have decided to post and tell.

But, as I looked through many blogs I found a posting that I thought to be a way of storytelling, CD and their albums artwork. I know when I buy a new CD I immediately go to artwork to see how the songs relate to the images being presented, but then again maybe this is just another odd thing I like doing.

On the other hand, as I searched “storytelling” I came across the National Storytelling Network. Interesting right! Well at least it was for me. This network offers stories from storytellers from across the country, and they even have a National Storytelling Conference or National StoryNight. Sounds like fun to me.


  1. There's something so powerful about hearing an author's voice. That's what I like about the National Storytelling Network. I think it's why I like readings too.

  2. Honestly, sometimes I love hearing an author's actual voice, and sometimes authors are better writers then readers. On the other hand, when someone tells me about their own personal story the speaker is more likely to draw me in. I don't like to read non-fiction, but I love to hear people's stories. I'm sure that is just my own personal tick, but this is an interesting site.
